
At Code Sprouts Club, we believe in the power of education to unlock endless possibilities. Join us as we inspire young minds to dream, innovate, and excel in the ever-evolving world of technology.

Our Delivery Models

Our services are designed to provide a dynamic and engaging learning environment for children, fostering a passion for technology and equipping them with essential skills for success in the digital age

Center Based

In Person Class At Our Dedicated Center

Conducing coding classes physically at our dedicated center, providing a conducive learning environment.

  • Engage with instructors and peers for collaborative learning
  • Gain hand-on experience with coding tools, boosting comprehension
  • Receive instant feedback and personalized support for skill development


As A Service

In Person Class At Partner Center

Partnering with after-school centers, schools, or recreational facilities to offer coding programs on-site.

  • Benefits to business partner: provides additional value to their offerings
  • Students benefit from access to familiar and convenient learning environments


Virtually Via Online Platform 

Delivering coding classes virtually through online platforms or learning management systems.

  • Access from anywhere with internet
  • Flexible scheduling for diverse time zones